Zucchini Slice

Zucchini Slice

You can't beat delicious AND healthy!! This recipe is packed full of vegetables, extremely tasty and very quick to make! You'll be making this recipe time and time again - just like me.

In case you didn't already know I'm a savoury lover so this recipe is right up my alley and I love having it for a quick and nutritious breakfast or light lunch with salad. Also a great lunchbox item. Make it vego and remove the ham.

5 eggs
400g zucchini (approx 2 large)
140 (1 cup) self raising flour
100g (1 packed cup) cheddar cheese
50g (1/4 cup) olive oil
100g ham
50g carrot
20g spinach
1 tsp mixed herbs
salt & pepper to taste

Preheat your oven to a 180 degrees Celsius (350F).
Lightly grease a square or rectangle baking tin with butter or oil and then and line with parchment paper.
Grate zucchini, carrot and cheese. Slice ham and chop spinach.
In a large bowl, add your eggs and whisk.
Add zucchini, carrot, spinach, ham, oil, and 3/4 of the cheese (leave some for the top) and mix until combined. Add flour, mixed herbs and salt and pepper and then mix until smooth.
Transfer mixture to your baking tin, and then top with remaining cheese.
Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until fully cooked all the way through and the cheese is golden and crispy.
Allow to cool for 10 minutes and then top with spring onion or your favourite herb.

Download the full recipe here.