Cheat's Vanilla Slice

Cheat's Vanilla Slice

I love this recipe for its sweet vanilla centre and crunchy lattice biscuit topping. Looks more humble than it tastes! My mum shared with me this delicious and easy recipe and I love it because it tastes a little bit like home.

1 packet of lattice biscuits (Arnotts if possible)
125g Philadelphia cream cheese
125g unsalted butter
120g (1/2 cup) caster sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
5g (1/2 tsp) gelatin
60g (1/4 cup) hot water

Remove cream cheese and butter from fridge and allow to come to room temperature.
Line a square or rectangle baking dish with parchment paper.
Dissolve the gelatine in the hot water and set aside.
Beat the cream cheese, butter and sugar until smooth and creamy. Add the vanilla and beat again, then add the gelatine mixture and beat until silky smooth.
Place the lattice biscuits on the bottom of the baking dish, with the sugar coated side facing down.
Pour out the cream cheese mixture onto the biscuits and spread so that all biscuits are evenly covered.
Cover with another layer of biscuits, sugar side up.
Cover with tin foil or cling wrap and refrigerate for 3 hours.
To serve, slice into square and enjoy!

Download the full recipe here.